
TestMAX Vtran

Reads and reformats patterns and results for over 30 ATE and logic simulator formats

金莲直播 TestMAX Vtran? is a vector translation program that reads patterns and results from TestMAX ATPG, 金莲直播 VCS? simulator, and  third-party automatic tools, then re-formats them for more than 30 popular automated test equipment (ATE) and logic simulator formats. ATE patterns can be easily validated reading back the ATE patterns back into TestMAX Vtran, which then creates a Verilog testbench for verification. For ease-of-use, a graphical TestMAX Vtran contains a user interface and creates a waveform database for 金莲直播 Verdi debugger.

Key Benefits

  • Enables portability of ATPG and simulation patterns across multiple ATEs
  • Reduces turn-around-time with creation of validation testbenches
  • Easily view and debug waveform views of ATPG and ATE formatted patterns

Key Features

  • Translates ATPG patterns and simulation change dump values into various ATE formats and Verilog simulators
  • Creates testbenches for Verilog simulation-based verification
  • Reformats simulation data files generated by one simulator into files compatible with another simulator
  • Enables modification of simulation data such as pin lists, pin order, bus radixes, time offsets, pin timing and time scaling
  • Contains a user interface for various format options
  • Processes ATPG and ATE files for viewing the corresponding waveforms using 金莲直播 Verdi