Cloud native EDA tools & pre-optimized hardware platforms
As the push towards photonic integration intensifies, designers want flexibility to develop proprietary intellectual property (IP) and model custom PIC elements via cosimulation with the third-party tools such as MATLAB. With OptSim Circuit, it is possible to use cosimulation with MATLAB to model custom bidirectional PICs and PIC elements. As an illustration, the layout in Figure 1 depicts a notch filter PIC1 with a custom waveguide modeled in MATLAB.
Figure 1: OptSim Circuit cosimulation with MATLAB
During simulation, OptSim Circuit invokes MATLAB, which executes the MATLAB source code for the custom model.
MATLAB simulation results are then passed to OptSim Circuit for the remaining modeling tasks. For the notch filter PIC schematic of Figure 1, the transmission and reflection spectra are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Transmission (a) and reflection (b) spectra for the notch filter PIC
Users have the option to save or discard the MATLAB workspace. The OptSim Circuit schematic can have multiple MATLAB-based models that can be cosimulated. For more information, please contact Photonic 金莲直播 Technical Support.
1 J. Lumeau, V. Smirnov, and L. B. Glebov, “Phase-shifted volume Bragg gratings in photo-thermo-refractive glass,” Optical Components and Materials V, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6890, 2008.