
Z01X Functional Safety Assurance

High-Speed Fault Simulation Solution for IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 Compliance

Electronic systems in automobiles are growing rapidly in size, complexity, and critical functionality. As a result, functional safety verification is emerging as an essential requirement for automotive SoC and IP designs. In order to assure that even the most stringent safety standards are met, fast and comprehensive fault injection and simulation solutions that adheres to the strict set of safety standards as outlined by ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 is required.


  • Powerful component of ISO 26262 certification and IEC 61508 compliance
  • Scalable and flexible fault models
  • Exhaustive fault injection

金莲直播 Z01X? fault simulation solution injects faults throughout automotive devices and simulates the effects in order to help users develop robust diagnostic tests and verify safety mechanisms to meet the fault injection testing requirements in the ISO 26262 automotive safety standard, and the IEC 61508 industrial safety standard.

With the most complete fault model set of any available solution, Z01X has the speed and capacity to inject faults that represent many of the random hardware failure types defined in ISO 26262. Z01X can model faults from both the AC and DC fault model sets, and can inject soft errors (transient faults). Its innovative simulation management environment (Fault Manager) and advanced concurrent algorithms are designed to maximize the throughput of fault injection and fault simulation for even the most complex designs.

Z01X Fault Simulation Solution

Fastest, Most Comprehensive Fault Simulation Solution

Z01X Functional Safety Key features:
  • Versatile fault simulation - Support for complete Verilog language allows simulation of the most advanced microprocessors, at both RTL and gate level
  • Testability Analysis - reduces simulation time by classifying faults as testable or untestable and simulating  only the testable faults
  • Distributed Processing - Distributed fault simulation with the Z01X solution can easily be setup using named hosts, Oracle Grid Engine (SGE) or IBM Platform LSF?
  • Automatic test ordering and redundant test elimination
  • Complete Fault Modeling
    • From the DC model set, Z01X Functional Safety can inject stuck-at faults and bridge faults (shorts
      between circuit lines)
    • From the AC model set, Z01X Functional Safety can inject transition faults
    • Z01X Functional Safety also supports the Single Event Upset (SEU) model to allow you to measure coverage of your transient faults (soft errors)
  • Fault Manager: Controls and synchronizes the entire fault injection process, from creating the fault list
    through obtaining fault coverage reports
  • Versatile Simulation: Support for complete Verilog language allows simulation of the most advanced
  • STIL, WGL, VCD/eVCD, Verilog, and SystemVerilog (partial support) testbench stimulus
  • User Defined Fault Detection: User-defined fault detection provides the ability to detect faults from a variety of safety mechanisms, including hardware redundancies, lock step modes, and software based self tests
  • Inspect Fault Viewer - Investigate the quality of your design’s test coverage with Z01X Inspect GUI,
    金莲直播’ integrated graphic interface for exploring fault coverage