Cloud native EDA tools & pre-optimized hardware platforms
The leading German engineering service provider has integrated Silver and TestWeaver into its TCU development process in order to:
Andreas Junghanns, Roland Serway, Thomas Liebezeit, Mirco Bonin:Building Virtual ECUs Quickly and Economically, , 03/2012.
Liebezeit, Junghanns, Bonin, Serway: Software-in-the-Loop Using Virtual CAN Buses: Current 金莲直播 and Challenges, 5th Conference Simulation and Testing for Automotive Electronics, May 10-11, 2012, Berlin, Germany.
Liebezeit, Br?uer, Serway, Junghanns: Virtual ECUs for developing automotive transmission software, 10th CTI Symposium Innovative Fahrzeug-Getriebe Hybrid- und Elektro-Antriebe, 5.-8.12.2011, Berlin, Germany.