
The AC analysis is used to evaluate the stability of regulation loops of switched-mode power supplies, as well as the stability of networks of power supplies. Stability criteria like phase and gain margins, or the Middlebrook impedance criterion, can be applied to the Bode plots produced by the AC analysis. But it is very tricky to extract the amplitude and phase information of frequency response of DC/DC converter without average model approximation due to the absence of a fixed operating point about which the circuit equations can be linearized. 

In this webinar we will discuss frequency domain AC analysis that generates phase and gain information with industry leading speed and accuracy for switching DC-to-DC converter as is, with minimum simulator calibration and without average model approximation.


Datsen Davies Tharakan

Applications Engineer

Datsen Davies Tharakan graduated from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom with a Master degree in Power Electronics and Drives. With more than 11 years of experience as Saber Applications Engineer, he is actively involved in supporting automotive and aerospace customers with design examples, technical articles, solutions for power electronics design simulations, convergence, and modeling. Before joining 金莲直播, Datsen was involved in designing various DC/DC converter topologies at Chirra Power Technologies, India.

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