Cloud native EDA tools & pre-optimized hardware platforms
Virtual prototyping enables replacing hardware with software equivalent models of the hardware; at any time, and from anywhere, keeping software teams productive in challenging environments. Virtual prototypes are fast, fully functional software models of complete systems that execute unmodified production embedded software code and provide unparalleled debug efficiency.
The 金莲直播 Virtualizer? Development Kits (VDKs) offer a wide range of models and software tools to enable earlier software development. VDKs are software development kits using virtual prototypes as the embedded target and can be customized with the Virtualizer tool set to represent users' specific SoCs.
With the 金莲直播 Virtual Prototyping Experience, you can run Virtualizer simulations in the cloud at no cost and without any download or installation. The experience includes access to the Virtualizer product to:
The above functionality is provided in an easy to follow tutorial form, all accessible through your browser, and showcases the power of virtual prototyping for shifting your critical software development left and improving your software development productivity.
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