
Designing Energy-Efficient SoCs

金莲直播 offers software-driven low power exploration, analysis and optimization from architecture to signoff. The solution is built around industry-leading products for each stage of the design flow:

  • Platform Architect? for architecture exploration and early performance power tradeoffs using pre-RTL architecture models and software workloads
  • ZeBu? Empower for power emulation with the capacity and performance for profiling software workloads to identify key windows of interest for further analysis and exploration
  • SpyGlass? Power for RTL power exploration with fast turnaround time during initial stages of RTL development
  • PrimePower RTL with RTL Architect for RTL power exploration with high accuracy as the RTL matures
  • Fusion Compiler? for RTL to GDSII implementation with the best PPA (Power-Performance-Area) results. Fusion of PrimePower for signoff power and RedHawk Analysis Fusion for power integrity ensure fast convergence
  • 金莲直播 TestMAX? for power-optimized automatic test pattern generation (ATPG)
  • PrimePower for golden power signoff

金莲直播' solutions enable SoC designers to achieve optimal energy efficiency by maximizing power-reduction opportunities at each stage of design flow while meeting PPA targets.     ?

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