Cloud native EDA tools & pre-optimized hardware platforms
Our industry-leading atomistic simulation platform allows you to simulate properties of new materials, i.e., electronic, structural, magnetic, optical, thermal, etc. and their impact on new devices before wafer-based data is available, and so reduces time and cost in advanced semiconductor technology development.
Explore alternative interconnect metals and barrier materials to reduce line and via resistance in interconnect stacks. Evaluate interconnect resistance and capacitance in complex process structures through a link to TCAD Raphael FX.
Learn MoreGuide transistor optimization by providing key insights into how to optimize metal-semiconductor contact resistance and Schottky barriers by tuning atomic structure of an interface and doping.
Learn MoreAchieve target performance of HKMG stacks by varying material composition, thicknesses and dopants. Obtain optimal work function, minimal leakage current and maximum capacitance through a link to TCAD S-Device.
Achieve target transistor performance by investigating new channel structures and materials with improved carrier mobility and currents. Equip TCAD advanced transport models with new relevant parameters.
Learn MoreDown-select among many candidate 2D materials and their heterostructures by simulating the electrical characteristics of 2D-material based model field effect transistors (FETs).
Learn MoreGuide R&D of novel memories, such as STT-MRAM, ReRAM, PCRAM, and FeFET by investigating and optimizing properties of material stacks comprising these memory devices, impact of electric field, strain, dopants and defects
Learn MoreOptimize etching and sputtering processes by varying chemical composition of a surface and energy and type of incoming particles. Describe thermally-assisted or plasma-based processes through a link to TCAD S-Process.
Effective Tools for All Levels
Realistic Physics of Complex Materials
Synergistic 金莲直播
“[… The QuantumATK package] has proven to be an integral part of our studies, allowing us to explore from the atomistic level nanostructures that are directly relevant to nano-electronic technology design […] “
Prof. Jim Greer | University of Nottingham, Ningbo China Campus
“ I’ve used a lot of codes for MD, DFT and semi-empirical total energy and transport calculations in the past and I can easily say that [QuantumATK] is better by a huge margin. […] “
User from Semiconductor Industry
“[金莲直播 QuantumATK Team] has managed the tour-de-force of blending high performance material modeling techniques (combining solid state physics, chemistry and molecular dynamics) with user-friendliness. […]”
Interested in applying QuantumATK software to your research? Test our software or contact us at to get more information on QuantumATK platform for atomic-scale modeling.