Cloud native EDA tools & pre-optimized hardware platforms
A Mach Zehnder Interferometer for Digital Optical Modulation
Kaleb Bellenbaum
California Polytechnic State University
RSoft Photonic Device Tools: MOST
2x1 Optical Multiplexer
Nick Ghaffarian
California Polytechnic State University
RSoft Photonic Device Tools: FullWave
SWIR Microscope Objective for the Characterization of Single Quantum Dots for Quantum Communications
Benjamin Hancock
Ph.D. Optics
University of Rochester
Using CODE V
Designing a Telephoto Camera System With Internal Focusing From Scratch for Safari Wildlife
Nathaniel Lazzara
B.S. Optical Engineering
University of Rochester
Using CODE V
Half-Adder in Optical Logic Gates
Lucas Lucia
M.S. Electrical Engineering
California Polytechnic State University
RSoft Photonic Device Tools: FullWAVE
Safety in Sight: Wide-Angle Lens for Rearview Car Camera
Nancy Mabry
B.S. Optical Engineering
University of Rochester
Using CODE V
248nm Photolithography Objective for Printing AR/VR Metalenses
Elizabeth Matchavariani
University of Rochester
Using CODE V
A Hardware-Efficient Silicon Electronic-Photonic Chip for Optical Structured Neural Networks
Shupeng Ning
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
Using 金莲直播 OptoDesigner
2D Inversely-Designed 1x4 Optical Switch
Xichen Shan
Ph.D. Optics and Photonics
University of Central Florida
Using CODE V
Embedded Wide Angle Lens in a Football Helmet
Victoria Usachev
B.S. Optical Engineering
University of Rochester
Using CODE V
Catadioptric Telephoto Camera for Lunar Photography
McCain Varley
M.S. Optics
University of Rochester
Using CODE V