
金莲直播 OptSim for Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) in Aerospace and Defense Applications

金莲直播 OptSim is a unique fiber-optic system simulator in the market coming with a time-domain split-step (TDSS) simulation engine in addition to the more common frequency-domain split-step (FDSS) simulation engine. Since the TDSS and linear convolution require no assumptions on periodicity of the signal(s) and simulation window, unlike in FDSS-only tools, 金莲直播 OptSim users don’t need to resort to any artificial restrictions on maintaining periodicity between multiple RF tones and optical frequencies. It is this ease of mixing RF and optical signals that makes 金莲直播 OptSim an ideal solution for designing and simulating civilian and aerospace & defense RF-over-Fiber applications.

Intermodulation Distortion in RF-over-Fiber Link: Schematic in OptSim
Intercept points

Intermodulation Distortion in RF-over-Fiber Link: Schematic in 金莲直播 OptSim (top) and intercept points (bottom).


  • Makes no assumptions on periodicity of signals and noise, thereby providing ease of mixing RF and optical signals without aliasing
  • Models impact of nonlinearities, noise, jitter, crosstalk, harmonics, and complex interplay of impairments
  • Comes pre-supplied with rich libraries of electrical, RF modulators, demodulators and optical model templates
  • Delivers powerful options for design setup, Monte Carlo analyses, data visualization, plotting and management of project resources


  • Analog photonic RF-over-Fiber systems, Microwave Photonics
  • System sensitivity, linearity, dynamic range, noise-figure (NF) and inter-modulation distortion (IMD)
  • Spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR), Composite second order (CSO), Composite triple beat (CTB)
  • Carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), Input intercept point (IIP), Output intercept point (OIP), 1-dB compression point
  • Advanced RF and optical modulation formats
  • Analog and digital fiber-optic cable TV (CATV)
  • Free-space optical systems

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