
Verification IP for MIPI CSI-2

金莲直播 Verification IP (VIP) for MIPI CSI-2 (Camera Serial Interface) provides a comprehensive set of protocol, methodology, verification and productivity features enabling users to achieve rapid verification of MIPI CSI TX and RX devices. It also includes VIP for MIPI D-PHY and C-PHY for physical layer verification. CSI-2 supports data-type interleaving frames, normal frames and Virtual Channel ID interleaving frames. It simplifies testbench development by enabling engineers to use a single VIP to verify multiple transmission modes across the full CSI-2 protocol.


  • Native SystemVerilog/UVM and Verilog
  • Source code test suite (optional)
  • Runs natively on all major simulators
  • Built-in Protocol checks
  • Verification plan and coverage
  • Verdi? protocol analyzer
  • Error injection and exceptions

Key Features

  • CSI-2 3.0 (EA)
  • CSI-2 up to 2.1 with C-PHY up to 1.2 and D-PHY up to 2.1
  • 16/32 virtual channels for D-PHY/C-PHY
  • Transmitter and Receiver
  • Data scrambling
  • All types of short and long packets
  • Interleaved and normal frames
  • Unidirectional data transfer
  • ECC, Checksum (CRC) generation and checking
  • Inoperative/operative mode of frame and line number
  • D-PHY/C-PHY: Serial and PHY Protocol Interface (PPI)
  • D-PHY: 1-16 PHY data lanes and 1 clock lane
  • C-PHY: 1-4 PHY lanes
  • High Speed and Escape Mode Transmission
  • Global operational timing parameters
Verification IP for MIPI CSI-2